Sunday, October 18, 2015

Autumn Mist

The thunderous Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River always sends up a bit of spray and mist, but with the flows coming out of Yellowstone Lake at the season high temperatures in October and the air temperatures dropping in the late afternoon, the cloud of mist seems to almost engulf the canyon.

Just a few minutes before this image was taken, we were standing on the brink of the Lower Falls taking images down the canyon. The mist was certainly noticeable then, but nowhere near as much as when this image was made. This is Lauri's favorite image of a very memorable trip.

Autumn Mist
Lower Falls in the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, Yellowstone National Park, near Canyon Village, Park, Wyoming, USA. October 18, 2015. Nikon D90, AF-S 35mm f/1.8 at F/5.6 for 1/125 second, Manual Exposure Mode, ISO 400, processed in Photoshop CC.

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